XXVIe VALLAURIS International Biennale – Contemporary Ceramics and Creation VALLAURIS 2024

competition-vallaurisXXVIe VALLAURIS International Biennale – Contemporary Ceramics and Creation VALLAURIS 2024”

s an international event aimed at promoting artistic creation in the field of ceramics, with the intention of integrating ceramics into the world of contemporary art and design.

In order to highlight the various aspects of contemporary ceramic creation on an international level, the INTERNATIONAL BIENNALE – CONTEMPORARY CERAMICS AND CREATION takes the form of a programming of events including a competition and a series of non-juried exhibitions.


CERCO 2022

CERCO22Miércoles 21 de septiembre
12:00h Inauguración CERCO 22 en el Centro de Artesanía de Aragón
18:30 Inauguración Ciudad Cerámica en la Sala Juana Francés

Jueves 22 de septiembre
18:30 Presentación artista en residencia Michal Puszczynski en la Escuela Taller Cerámica de Muel

Viernes 23 de septiembre
19:00 Inauguración El ritmo de las raíces de Ana Felipe Royo en el Museo Pablo Gargallo

Sábado 24 de septiembre
Puertas abiertas en el Centro de Artesanía de Aragón. Presentación CERCO 22 y encuentro con los artistas.
De 11h a 14h y de 16h a 19h La impresora humana; Acción participativa para el público
18:30 Encuentro y presentación de la obra Anne-Laure Cano con motivo de su exposición Ussade
20:00 Performance de Pascale Ciapp

Domingo 25 de septiembre
12:00 Conferencia El muralismo cerámico de la Zaragoza Moderna
De 11h a 14h y de 16h a 19h La impresora humana; Acción participativa para el público

Domingo 6 de noviembre Clausura
12:00 Conferencia Relación cerámica; Un puente entre Valencia y Japón



III Edition Ceramic&Colours Award - Faenza Italy 2020

ceramiccolours-award2020The Faenza Art Ceramic Center announces the third edition of the "Ceramic&Colours Award", a ceramic competition with the aim of promoting and enhancing the research in the field of ceramic glazes for the finishing of ceramic objects.

For 2020 edition the "Crystalline glaze" effect has been selected.

It is a kind of finishing of ceramic glass surfaces that can be developed both at high and low temperature, whose main characteristic is the formation of macro crystals that can be easily seen with naked eyes. All matt or satin surfaces, that in many cases can turn out because of a devitrification of the glazes during the cooling process, are therefore excluded from the competition. We would like to highlight that because of the technical nature of the competition, the technical committee will mainly take into account the artworks that will better develop the potential of this theme and its complexity: the size of the crystals, chromatism and chemical nature of the crystallization caused by zinc, molybdenum, vanadium, wolfram, titanium, lithium, etc.


Future Lights in Ceramics competition 2020


The theme for Future Lights 2020 is: The spirit of Bauhaus.


"What was the Bauhaus spirit about? Was it just the functional aspect, combining the idea of the handcrafted with a new demand: the authentic, the non-ornamental, the timeless. The philosophy of the Bauhaus was even more than this. It combined the power of the craftsmanship with the strong will to create the modern, the ability to work in a kind of experimental space and reflection leading to true goods and convincing industrial series.


Cerasmus+ Project for Innovation in the Ceramic Sector

cerasmusCerasmus+ Project for Innovation in the Ceramic Sector

The second partnership meeting held in Bolesławiec (Poland)
focused on the training needs in the ceramics sector

On October 23 and 24, 2018 the second Cerasmus+ Partnership meeting was hosted in Bolesławiec (Poland) by the Polish Partner, Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących i Zawodowych, a state school which was funded 50 years ago and educates in different professions: tour guide, advertising specialist and ceramist, with a focus on merging tradition and innovation.

Co-funded by the European program Erasmus+, the Cerasmus+ project aims to protect the European traditional heritage, to modernize the ceramic sector and to develop vocational training in ceramic craft industry enhancing work based learning models. The project has duration of 2 years and will terminate in September, 2019.


KICB2019 International Competition - Korea 2019

3.KICB-banner1Korean International Ceramic Biennale 2019 (KICB 2019) - Peace through Clay

September 27 – November 24, 59 days (Festival: September 27 – October 13, 17 days), 2019

The 10th edition of KICB2019 aspires to build a peaceful community of the global village and to connect ceramic art from every corner of the world as one.

Through art demonstrations and talks with artists, this biennale presents aesthetics of the kind created by understanding and embracing different cultures.  It will be a forum that brings diverse cultures together, and it will showcase innovative art and promote cultural exchange by building a new network of artists, the audience, and experts in various fields.


OPEN TO ART Ceramic award 3rd Edition

open-to-artOPEN TO ART Ceramic award 3rd Edition


The Open to Art award dedicated to the promotion of contemporary ceramics is at its third edition. Launched in 2014 to promote the use of ceramics in contemporary art and design, the competition - open to artists of all nationalities, single or associated, without age limits or thematic constraints - is now open.

The third edition confirms the first two Cash Prizes, worth € 5,000 each for the Art section and the Design section.


The Future Lights competition (Germany) 2018

go-green"The Future Lights competition is designed to build new bridges and provide a platform for recent graduates to further their careers."

Wilhelm Siemen, Director, Porzellanikon

Future Lights is an annual competition for people in the early stages of a career in ceramics. The aims of the competition are to

  • Encourage cross-disciplinary learning and approaches by bringing together the ceramic designers, art historians, researchers, makers and artists of the futureS
  • upport people in the early stages of a career in ceramics by exhibiting their work at high profile ceramics exhibitions across Europe
  • Promote ceramics to a younger audience, though identifying potential ambassadors.

Encourage cross-disciplinary learning and approaches by bringing together the ceramic designers, art historians, researchers, makers and artists of the futureSupport people in the early stages of a career in ceramics by exhibiting their work at high profile ceramics exhibitions across EuropePromote ceramics to a younger audience, though identifying potential ambassadors.


5rd Biennial International Competition “Tra Tradizione e Modernità” 2018

vincitore-1-premio-2016BRAND CERAMICS IN ASCOLI PICENO

The City Council of Ascoli Piceno, within the framework of the following event:
to be held in Ascoli Piceno on 1st May 2018 announces the Concorso Internazionale Biennale di Ceramica Artistica e Tradizionale – Biennial International Competition for Artistic and Traditional Ceramics.
This competition aims to stimulate research through the renewal of expressive shapes and methods in the context of ceramic production, also including the city of Ascoli Piceno, by identifying decorative solutions that can successfully combine past and present through the "reinterpretation of traditions, styles, and patterns of ceramics", as indicated by the "law for the protection of artistic and traditional ceramics and Italian quality ceramics".


The 3rd international Zanesville Prize

zp jumbotron zanesvilleThe 3rd international Zanesville Prize
​for Contemporary Ceramics Competition & Exhibit
​returns to the Seilers' Studio and Gallery on October 8, 2017.

New for 2017:
There will be four categories of entries – each will receive a Best Of ​award –
​except for the Zanesville Prize winner, which will be selected from the four category winners:
​​​​Functional - ​Sculptural - ​Vessel - Mixed Media
​We anticipate accepting 75-100 entries into the exhibit.


XXXIX International Competition of Ceramic Art city of Gualdo Tadino 2017


"L'acqua meraviglia della terra"


One of the most significant cultural events to take place in Gualdo Tadino is undoubtedly the famous and well established International Competition of Ceramic Art, organised by the Tourist Association 'Pro Tadino' in 38 editions started from 1959 and leading right up to 2009. More than 600 Italian artists and 400 foreign artists from more than 41 nations have exhibited during that time achieving success with an ever increasing number of participants. A competition with a theme, a peculiarity of this event, allows Italian and foreign artists to express avanguard experience and innovative ceramic art techniques with awards given to illustrious artists. Amongst the most prestigious artists who have won prizes are Edoardo Abbozzo, Lee Babel, Angelo Biancini, Pino Castagna, Salvatore Cipolla, Otto Eckert, Goffredo Gaeta, Guido Gambone, Nedda Guidi, Vlastimil Kvetensky, Hans Marks, Muky, Aligi Sassu, Nino Strada, Natalia Nicolaevna Viatkina and Carlo Zauli. After a few years pause, a promotion committee made up by the 'Pro Tadino', the borough administration and the Polo Museale, have decided to reactivate the initiative and launch the 39th edition that by joining tradition and innovation aims to prove once more the cultural commitment of Gualdo Tadino as 'CITY OF CERAMICS'.

Competiotion rules

Ceramics Biennal of El Vendrell (Spain) 2017

biennal ceramicaCeramics Biennial of El Vendrell aims to encourage the creation and diffusion of pottery worldwide. It is a project that lasts two years. During the first year, competition is held and an exhibition is developed among selected candidates. During the second year, it congratulates the three winners with another exhibition and the publication of a catalogue of all participant’s works.

Section 1. Purpose of the call

These bases are intended to establish general foundations of Ceramics Biennial of El Vendrell, with the aim to promote and the creation and dissemination of ceramics worldwide.


XIII Biennial Ceramica Artistica Aveiro (Portugal) 28th October - 4th Dicember 2017

aveiroThe Municipality of Aveiro announces the opening of the registration period for the participation in the thirteenth edition of the International Biennial of Ceramic Art of Aveiro.

Artists interested in participating must register between March 1st and 17th 2017, in the Biennial secretariat that will operate in the Division of Culture, Tourism and Citizenship in the City Museum: João Mendonça Street, 3800-200 Aveiro. For detailed information and the registration form, please visit the webpage www.cm-aveiro.pt (News).
At the Biennial can participate national or foreign artists, with a maximum of two artistic works with an execution date not exceeding three years, which will be selected by the members of the Jury.
The artistic works may be individual or collective. Organized by the City Hall of Aveiro, the Biennial awards three prizes: 6,000 euros for the first prize; euros 4,000.00 for the second; and euros 2,500.00 for the third prize. In addition to these awards, the jury may award Honorable Mentions up to a maximum of three. The winning works, excluding the Honorable Mentions, will be jointly owned by Aveiro Municipality.


11th International Ceramic Competition, Mino - Japan 2017

concorso-minoThe 11th International Ceramic Competition, Mino Japan Exhibition

Call fro entries until the 10 January 2017

This is an international competition which aims to promote the further development of ceramic industry and culture through international exchanges of ceramic designs and culture.
Outstanding works that suggest innovative ideas and explore the future of ceramics coming from all over Japan and the world will be displayed all together.

More information: www.icfmino.com
