"Una forza interiore" Ugo La Pietra - Milan 15th Nov. to 22th Dic. 2017

1 Una-forza-interiore-Ugo-La-PietraUNA FORZA INTERIORE
Ugo La Pietra
curated by Flaminio Gualdoni

OPENING: Tuesday 14th November, 18.30 > 21.00

From November 15th until December 22nd, Officine Saffi will host a solo show dedicated to Ugo La Pietra's ceramics. "Una forza interiore (An inner strenght)" - curated by Flaminio Gualdoni - virility as sculptural energy, that generates shapes and volumes through a series of vessels, sculptures, votive figures and photographs.

The works on display, are the result of a long-standing collaboration between Ugo La Pietra and Giovanni Mengoni, blend the visionary qualities of an artist with the logical thinking of a designer and a craftsman's skill. "Ugo La Pietra has once again become involved with deeply-rooted artisan knowledge and he has dismantled and reassembled, both in his head and in a Perugian furnace, the idea and the possibilities of bucchero ceramics." Bucchero will be the protagonist of all the works on show. Bucchero is a particular type of black ceramic that was used by the Etruscan civilization from the 7th century BC to the first half of the 5th century BC. "Bucchero is ancient, just ancient. And it is rare and mysterious, because it is only practised by the indigenous inhabitants of the lands of Etruria, where examples of it have been found. It is limited because it is intimately anaesthetic, because its shape, tectonics, and spatial dimensions are all swallowed up in a glossy blackness that absorbs everything, starting with its potential for beauty. And it's boring, because the technique is specific and can't be changed, it is not subject to shocking avant-garde linguistic moods".

Extract from the curatorial essay by Flaminio Gualdoni
The exhibition will run until December 22nd

Officine Saffi
via Aurelio Saffi 7 - Milano
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+39 02 36685696