C.A.R.T. Manifattura
Via Roma 4 - 36055 Nove (Vicenza)
Tel. ++39 0424 59 26 27

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C.A.R.T. factory has been handing the Art of developing and decorating ceramics for house down for more than thirty years. Founded in 1966 by Toaldo Antero, the concern is run by the son Luigi now, who is helped by about ten members of a team. The factory produce and commercialize object of high artistic handicrafts that are asked and appreciated by buyers of shops located in all over the Europe, America and Japan.

Water, ground, fire, united with a great passion for the pottery art are the simple elements, but indispensable ones for the success that is still growing with the new generation. In this way the Antero family in these years has been able to develop and renew ancient techniques that were born during the XVII century, and has been able to fit the production with the modern demands and tastes. From the style of the so called Neo-barocchi of the first production, it's changing to simpler and stylized lines, but what is still the same is the love for the research and for the creation of pottery.

Today C.A.R.T. factory produces and sells pottery for the use and for the furnishing, both in the typical style of Nove in Bassano and in the modern lines that are the tendency now. Four different collections hand made, where the flower, in particular, are got with the same techniques of the '700. Small treasure researched by a clientéle able to catch the importance of high artistic handicrafts.


Florist articles , gift, furnishing accessories, lighting - lamps, columns, tables, centrepieces, vases, sculptures, trays, mirrors, cachepot.