Focus Impianti di Battistin Alberto
Via Cesare Battisti 23 - 36050 Quinto Vicentino (Vicenza)
Tel. ++39 348 4712727

The FOCUS PLANTS , worked for years in the design and manufacture of industrial kilns for various types of production, with a particular specialization in the ceramic sector. The growing demand for kilns and equipment for leisure and for schools, made us realize a line of professional products in all respects with the cost accessible to all hobbyists and numerous laboratories that are developing within many schools. FOCUS. The products are made with top quality materials always in line with the latest technologies on the market and backed by a SERVICE ready to remove any doubt and to solve any problem in time instant .

The production completely craftsmanship, ensures the direct relationship with the customer in order to satisfy all the needs of the buyer. Thanks to our constantly updated, we are able to regenerate old kilns and old plants , in order to streamline and simplify all the processes of production, adapting them to current manufacturing technologies. When completed will be released all technical documentation necessary for the CE marking.

PRODUCTS: ceramic kilns maintenance , servicing ovens, drying kilns , ceramic kilns , high temperature ovens, stoves, ventilated, muffle furnaces , furnaces for glass melting furnaces, sump , manual lathes , electric potter wheels, manual extruders, mixers for clay, raku kilns, handheld thermometers .


Accessories, hobby equipments, services for ceramics company - maintenance for ceramic kilns, driers, kilns for high temperature, glass fusion kilns, raku kilns, termometers.