Il Gattopardo srl
Via Delle Industrie 50 - 36050 Cartigliano (Vicenza)
Tel. ++39 0424 590562 - fax +39 0424 590678

The firm was founded in 1987 by two brothers : Sonda Terenzio and Luigino, who after a long experience in different fields, as modellers and decorators in the artistical ceramic sector, joined together their abilities to start a company which is now a leader in the production of ceramic animals. The articles are marked by a homogeneous and personalized design thanks to the creation of original and exclusive models. This gives the possibility to grant requests of new articles in a short time, thus fulfilling the demands of the market as far as possible.

The decoration is carried out following rigorously the colours and characteristics which distinguish each animal, and assuring a natural effect. The production of animals consists of the most known and required species, in different forms and sizes, either with ornamental or utility function.


Gift, furnishing accessories - decorated ceramic animals, ceramic felines, ceramic dogs, ceramic reptiles.