foto"Ceramic&Colours Award" 2016  - 1st edition (for artists and ceramicists)
The Cultural Association Passepartout Faenza announces the first edition of the “Ceramic&Colours Award”, a ceramic competition for artists and ceramicists, with the aim of promoting and enhancing the research in the field of ceramic glazes for the finishing of ceramic objects. For 2016 edition the “crawling” effect has been selected. It is a particular kind of coating consisting in the glaze braking and crawling significantly on the surface. Examples of this particular effect can be viewed on the website:
The Award is open to everybody, with no restrictions concerning age, gender, nationality or else. The participation to the Competition is free.

The works of the selected competitors will be exposed in the “Sala delle Bandiere of the Municipality of Faenza”- Piazza del Popolo, 31 from 01/08/2016 to 04/09/2016.
Deadline to submit applications: 15 June 2016
