GICB-BANNER-600x600Call for Entries:

Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale 2017 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION

Eligiblity: Artworks that use clay/ceramics as the main material or subject matter are eligible to be submitted.

Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale 2017(GICB2017) INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION calls for artists from October 4 to 31, 2016 via online ( The Grand Prize Winner will receive a cash prize of KRW50,000,000 (approx. 43,000.00USD) and will be invited to solo exhibition during the GICB2019 as well as the grand opening ceremony for the GICB2017.

Unleash your creativity and imagination at the GICB2017 International Competition, a window to the future of ceramics.

quadratoABOUT US

MORE CLAY LESS PLASTIC was born in 2014 as an open group on Facebook with the intent of creating a network between ceramicists and the public.

The message we want to put through is very simple: more clay less plastic.

Plastic pollution has reached dramatic levels. Reducing the use of plastic is a fundamental and urgent step to save the environment and improve the life quality of every living creature.