salone-del-mobileThe Salone del Mobile is a system of connections, creativity and innovation. Within the space of a week, more than threehundredthousand people converge on Milan: entrepreneurs, journalists, collectors, intellectuals, critics, designers, architects, creatives, purveyors of knowledge and nurturers of beauty. They meet up again each year during Salone week in a place where they know they will be greeted with a great raft of opportunities.

The Salone is an emotion first and foremost, transmitting positivity, enthusiasm, initiative and cheerfulness. Companies that work and design are proud to invest in an event on which the eyes of the world will be trained; architects and designers channel their creativity in order to express it at the Salone. Emotion lies in putting together a project that will, in turn, transmit emotion and empathy; the event’s organisers work closely with the companies for a year, in order to provide them with the best possible platform.

This is why the Salone is so much more than just a trade fair. It is a global experience that attracts professionals who are directly involved with the sector as well as people from outside the design business. Everybody wants to attend the Salone, to come into contact with creative people, innovative people, people who produce and people who buy. Companies, creatives, trend-seekers, all want to be in Milan, protagonists of the Salone del Mobile. This virtuous process is made up of a number of essential parts, each of which is an important piece of the jigsaw that sets out the intentions of the new Manifesto.