Ceramics Biennal of El Vendrell (Spain) 2017

biennal ceramicaCeramics Biennial of El Vendrell aims to encourage the creation and diffusion of pottery worldwide. It is a project that lasts two years. During the first year, competition is held and an exhibition is developed among selected candidates. During the second year, it congratulates the three winners with another exhibition and the publication of a catalogue of all participant’s works.

Section 1. Purpose of the call

These bases are intended to establish general foundations of Ceramics Biennial of El Vendrell, with the aim to promote and the creation and dissemination of ceramics worldwide.

Section 2. Participants

Ceramics Biennial of El Vendrell is open to all types of artists, from 18 years old, who mainly use ceramic techniques in their works. They can participate individually or in groups. Works presented must be original and unpublished. Works submitted will not be accepted in other contests. Each participant can submit up to three works which, if necessary, the jury can only choose one. A set of parts is considered as a single work.

Section 3. General scheme applicable

The general scheme applicable is regulated by Law 38/2003, of 17th November, general subsidies; Royal Decree 887/2006 of 21st July, which approves the Regulation of Law 38/2003 of 17th November, general subsidies; Bases General Grant of the City of El Vendrell; Decree 179/1995 of 13th June, approving the regulations for works, services and activities of local authorities; Law 30/1992 of 26th November on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure, and the Law 26/2010 of 3rd August on the legal system and procedure of the Government of Catalonia. Anything that has not been foreseen in this basis, it will be applied the provisions of the regulations. Participation in the Biennial implies the acceptance of the conditions set. Any circumstance not covered by these rules will be resolved by the organisers and the jury.

Section 4. Publication of the foundation grant

These bases, once approved by the City Council of El Vendrell, will be submitted to public information within 20 working days and published in the Butlletí Oficial de la Província de Tarragona (BOPT) and the noticeboard of this corporation. A reference will be added in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC).

Section 5. Call

The Governing Board of the City of El Vendrell will approve the call, which will be published in the National Database of subsidies (BDNS), regulated by article 20 of Law 38/2003 of 17th November, General Grant, the noticeboard of the corporation and the Butlletí Oficial de la Província de Tarragona (BOPT). A reference will be added in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya (DOGC).

Section 6. Deadline for submission of applications

The deadline for submitting the application form is 31st May.

Section 7. Documents required

Each artist must complete the application and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following documentation:

-Three digital colour photographs of each work made from different angles and on a neutral background. Each image will be identified with its title, size and technique. - The author’s resume. -A minimum of seven photographs of entire previous works, in order to better assess the potter’s career.

Article 8. Compensation Differences

For all applications submitted incompletely or erroneous, it will be set a deadline of 10 working days from the request of the Administration, in order to resolve differences or attach necessary documents. Once this period passed without solving the request, the request will be rejected.

Section 9. Acceptance

All participants must accept expressly these rules by signing the standard application model. The recipients of the prizes will also be accepted, explicitly, all the provisions of Law 38/2003 of 17th November, general subsidies.

Section 10. Selection procedure

The jury will be formed by renowned people linked to the world of ceramics and art in general and a representative of the City of El Vendrell. They will choose a maximum of 20 works. Although works have been previously selected with the photographs provided, the jury reserves the right, if necessary, to exclude them from exposure.

Section 11. Selected works

Selected works must be delivered from 11 to 15 September at the following address:

Department of Culture
La Rambla, 24
43700 El Vendrell
Telephone Number .: (+34) 977 66 56 84
C / e .: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Selected works will be an exhibited and catalogued.

Section 12. Selected works

The delivery and collection of works are responsibility of the participants. The works must be sent in wooden boxes, lined inside and perfectly immobilised. The packaging must have a photograph of the work with the title and postal data for the outside. If packages are not suitable, the organisation does not exhibit the works and will be returned carriage forward. Any work damaged will not be exhibited. The organisation will not assume the cost of any items damaged or broken during transport. In case that the works come from outside the European Union, the artist will have to pay customs charges. Selected artists accept the reproduction of their works and the citation of their names in all events, media, printed media and digital or web pages that the organisers deem appropriate, without being able to claim any amount in image rights. Those works not awarded must be collected from 6th to 10th November. After that time, the works will remain the property of the City of El Vendrell.

Section 13. Winning Works

The jury will select three winning entries, which will be owned by the City of El Vendrell and become part of the Municipal Art Collection. The jury's verdict is unappealable and will be announced on the opening day of the exhibition of selected candidates. The date of opening of the exhibition will be 29th September. The three winners agree to send six works for a joint exhibition next year. They must be there send a representative for the inauguration of the exhibition and to the award’s ceremony, in which the winner must present their work.

Section 14. Prizes

The awards, which are subject to tax withholding established, are:

First prize: 4 000
Second prize: 2 500 €
Third prize: 1000 €
The three winners will receive € 100 to cover part of the costs in the transport of works for the exhibition next year.
The awards and allowances stipulated in this basis will be awarded until the exhaustion of the annual funding has been allocated for this purpose.
Prizes will be specifically covered in the Strategic Funding Plan approved by the City Council of El Vendrell the corresponding year of the Ceramics Biennial.
The jury may leave the prizes void if it deems appropriate.

Section 15. Payment of allowances and awards

City Council of El Vendrell shall make the payment of the prize and diets through bank transfer to the account of the winner.

Section 16. Winners obligations

Beneficiaries of the awards and diets must remember that, apart from the obligations collected in section 24 of the LGS, their failure will cause the responsibilities that correspond in each case, and the proceedings for reimbursement of the subsidy. The three winners agree to send six works for a joint exhibition next year. They must be there send a representative for the inauguration of the exhibition and to the award’s ceremony, in which the winner must present their work. Contestants, if they may be winners and residents in Spain must be aware of their tax obligations, Social Security and have no debts to the City Council. Plus, they must give written permission to El Vendrell to obtain the corresponding electronic certificates. The breach of the above-mentioned obligations may be grounds to revoke the subsidy.

Section 17. Legal additional regulations

In all matters not expressly provided herein are also applicable by the Decree 887/2006 of 21st July and Law 30/1992 of 26th November, on the Legal Regulations for Public Administrations, the Common Administrative procedure and other related legislation.

the official web site: www.elvendrell.net - INSCRITION

