Eliodomestico is a solar household still - 2014
Eliodomestico is a solar household still for the developing countries
client: prototype financed by Fondation d'entreprise Hermès
design: Gabriele Diamanti
years of development: 2005 --> 2012
--> finalist at Prix Emile Hermès competition 2011
--> special mention at Well-Tech Award 2012
--> pro winner of the Core77 Design Awards 2012, social impact category
--> H2O - new scenarios for survival | touring exhibition | 2006-2012;
--> Prix Emile Hermès | Musée des Arts Decoratifs, 111 rue de Rivoli, Paris | 18 October 2011;
--> Dreams of a Faucet - Design with the soul of water | Roca Barcelona Gallery, 211 Carrer de Joan Güell, Barcelona | 11 February - 13 May 2012
--> Well-Tech Award | Palazzo Isimbardi, 35 c.so Monforte, Milano | 17 - 22 April 2012
MANY THANKS to: prof. Francesco Trabucco (Politecnico Milano); Re.Te. group (Sermig Torino); Sergio Ricceri (extraordinary potter!); UNOPS Ideass program of the United Nations; Hydrologic Purification Systems; Jürgen D.Henning; P.A.T.I. Thermoplastic films
Eliodomestico is a simple yet really innovative device.
If you want to discover more about how it works, click :: here ::
I would really appreciate if you would like to help me in the development of this open source project!