Fernando Romàn "Al natural" Zaragoza (Spain) until the April 20th 2014
AL NATURAL. Believable people and characters are created by the inspired hands of Fernando Román, unpretentiously (al natural) but always with a particular art and passion. The exhibition will show the result of the past 2 years of sculptural work in stoneware, together with some related oil paintings, and will be held until April the 20th in the Grisselda Gallery at Zaragoza, Spain.
Fernando Román is a Mexican and Spaniard artist, dedicated to create figurative stoneware sculpture since his arrival to Zaragoza in 2009. He has participated in a number of group exhibitions, and his works has been selected in 5 fine arts contests in Spain.
Info: C/ San Agustín, 4, local 4A (Casco histórico). 50002 Zaragoza | Tel: 976 395 030 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.