"Fira del Cantir" Ceramic and Pottery Fair - Argentona (Spain) 2-3-4 August 2014

2014-el-cantir INTERNATIONAL CERAMIC AND POTTERY FAIR ARGENTONA (BARCELONA - SPAIN) "FIRA DEL CANTIR" 2, 3 and 4 August 2014 10-14 h. and 17-22 h.
How to participate (new participants):
Fill in and send the application form with the following documents (before 30th April 2014)
- Professional curriculum
- Photographic dossier of your works (6 images minimum)
- Description of type of pieces and techniques that you use
Application form for new participants

The international Ceramic and Pottery Fair is the most important market fair of Catalonia and Spain in its specialty because of the great quantity and quality of artisans which participate. About 65.000 people are expected, being visitors, dealers and other professionals.
The fair is open for any audience: individual or families, amateurs or professionals: artisan shops, galleries, whole-sellers, etc. The organization offers his special attention to the professional visitors.

About 80 expositors are expected, divided in the following sections: Traditional pottery, artistic ceramics, antiques and institutions, associations and enterprises

Represented countries: Catalonia, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Marocco, Perú.

Official web site www.museucantir.org